Welcome to 2023

2023 date banner

Another year and still streaming! You may never have believed that if you’d seen the start of this journey but the channel is still very much alive in 2023. Firstly here are some reassurances about things that 2023 will not mean for the channel…

There will be…

No pushing for growth. This means no chasing SEO, no chasing social media impressions and no Twitch bait tropes to pull in more viewers.
I am overjoyed at the steady growth of the mature and active audience and I’ve no desire to explode into mainstream popularity.

No plan for YouTube. There’s still no plan to record special content or to host VoD’s after their expiration on Twitch. I have no reassurance the platform is safe for me and my content even with no intention to monetise it. I do not feel safe from strikes and infractions that could incur from swearing in the videos and although I wish that could change I’m not seeking out any way to do so.

No plan to stop streaming. Not wanting to grow doesn’t mean I’m tired of doing this, far from it in fact, there is actually a list of ideas and games still planned!

So what is planned for the coming year…

Change of schedule. Owing to a new job and greater responsibilities coming up I’m choosing to drop back down to the one stream per week for the first half of this year. Game Thursday will run at the same time of 19:00 to 22:00(ish) and I will still frequent with YksiPlays but in the first half of the year she too has responsibilities which will affect her schedule so keep an eye out for that.

A shift in socials. Owing to the recent trouble with big centralised social media you might see more here in 2023 and it’s worth looking at the new Socials page for any updates or places to find me you might not have known about.

That’s all folks – see you through 2023! Happy viewing!

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