

KanThorne.net is the central resource hub for all the Kan Thorne Network (KTN) media group connected content. You can find links to all associated social media, Twitch & YouTube channels and other websites from within this site.

TeamWork in Progress – TWiP

TeamWork in Progress logo

Teamwork in Progress or Team Work in Progress (TWiP) is the social streaming and gaming group operated as part of the Kan Thorne Network (KTN). The intentionally ambiguous name is an pun to mock the comedy of failed teamwork among the crew and their shared interest in experimenting with early access games.

TWiP maintains an open Discord server advertised from some of the active content producers own sites and channel pages. There is also an official Steam group.


Content produced by KTN for any platform is deemed to be appropriate for mature audiences. As the content and comment sections are only curated to a level fitting intended audiences they can contain strong language, adult humour and discussions. 

All content is therefore not recommended for children or minors and age restrictions will be enforced according to the terms of each social or content platform.

Any claims of affiliation with KTN or TWIP which are not referenced within this site are not official and are not recognised. KTN thus holds no responsibility for any actions made by any unofficial group.